Sunday, December 30, 2012

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

On the First Day of Christmas, My True Love Gave to Me...

...a one of a kind origami tree!

The happiest of happy holidays to you from Pie + Fortune!

Monday, December 24, 2012

A Pie + Fortune Christmas

Christmas is our favorite time of the year. This year we celebrated together in advance because our lives are taking us far and wide- Pie is on her way to Virginia for the holiday and Fortune is heading to her parents' house for their annual family traditions.

Gingerbread houses were made, Apple Rum cider was served hot, a Christmas tree was decorated, and kitties were corralled into ridiculous outfits.

Pie + Fortune wish you and yours a truly magical and joyous Christmas filled with cheer.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Trends We're Watching - Ear Cuffs

Ah, the ear cuff. Everywhere right now, big, bold- and more than a little ostentatious. Perhaps just a bit too much so? Pie + Fortune are of one mind on this trend: for us, it's a pass. Maybe they're just a little too brazen for our tastes? This certainly doesn't mean we don't enjoy watching a trend take hold, though. We've watched this one spread roots on the streets of New York and now it's certainly in full bloom. Here are some of the cuffs I would have my eye on if I was buying in this season. Maybe they'll catch your fancy and you'll take one of your own to the streets?

Ear Cuffs

Friday, December 21, 2012

Street Fashion - Bold Accessories

Strong accessories can make the simplest of outfits pop.

Alison enhanced her look with a few well chosen additions - a chunky rhinestone chain necklace perfectly complements her salmon colored lace dress, tempering the femininity of the delicate sheath with a dash of rocker chic.

Add an armful of gold + animal print bangles in a similar tone, and finish with leopard print flats to effortlessly transition from work to play.

Dress, Apt. 9; Bangles, Aldo; Necklace, Gifted; Shoes, Me Too Shoes

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Luxe for Less - Aubin & Wills Fox Sweater

Everywhere I turn, I see countless snapshots of Taylor Swift, adorably attired as ever in an Aubin + Wills fox sweater.

With a soft spot in my heart for those clever tricksters, I had hoped to nab one - but, at $215?  Totally out of my league.

Enter Old Navy, to my surprise hitting all the right wardrobe notes this season.
Currently at $15 (available in stores, but not online), I love their versions' brighter orange fox and deeper brown hue.
At such an incredible price, I also happily purchased an owl knit.

I got both in a medium, since I love the look of a slouchy sweater over tight skinny jeans tucked into knee high boots. They do have a relaxed fit, however, and are very true to size.

Never a fan of Old Navy in the past, I can't wait to check in with them again to see what's in store for spring!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Pretty Bobbies - Pin it Up!

I've been seeing pretty bobby pins popping up all over the web lately, and I've begun to snatch them up whenever I see a pair that catches my fancy. As a curly-haired lady I'm always looking for fun ways to get my sometimes unruly locks out of my eyes, and a sparkling pin seems just about one of the best ways to do so! I'm still an avid headband devotee, but I sure do have a weakness for variety! Here are some of my latest finds.

Pin it up! Pretty bobbies
1. Bow ID Big Bobby Pins,; 2. Fancy Hair Pins, Nordstrom;
3. Glitz Bobby Pins, Nordstrom; 4. Crystal and Rose Bobby Pins, Lauren Conrad for Kohls;
5. Muzetta Cameo Hairpins, Anthropologie; 6. Jane Tran Leaf Pattern Crystal Bobby Pin, Zappos.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Inspirations - The Papercuts of Elsa Mora

I first stumbled upon Elsa Mora's intricate paper cuts on Pinterest.  Left breathless by her art, I ravenously sought out more information about her and her moving craft.

Cuban born, Mora painstakingly renders scenes of nature, evoking both hope and whimsy.  Her vivid tableaux speak to the way we relate to the planet, and, in turn, help us to understand ourselves and our place in this extraordinary world more deeply.  They simply astonish me, and I feel so blessed to have encountered Mora's fine work.