Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Thrilling Inventions - Continuum Fashion

3D printing is all the rage these days, with consumers clamoring for unique creations crafted by smaller design houses. 

Continuum is using this dawning automation in a whole new way, focusing on wearable, 3D art.

Printed using nylon, patent leather and rubber, their Strvct shoe line is both functional and fantastical.  Tyvek origami butterflies swarm their avant-garde gear, with pairs available for purchase in a multitude of colors.  And, since everything is done digitally, any number of changes can be made to order.

Continuum is also working on customizable dresses and bathing suits, and their Constrvct fashion line allows buyers to export any pattern they wish to create a truly one-of-a-kind piece. 

The thought that anyone can now participate in the design process blows my mind, and I can't wait to see where this up-and-coming technology can take us.

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