Friday, March 29, 2013

Bites We Love - Nunu Chocolates

I'm a little bit obsessed with Brooklyn based chocolatier Nunu Chocolates. I've been over the moon for their salted caramels ever since my beloved, enabling brother-in-law gifted them to me for Christmas two years ago. I recently discovered their Mezcal Chili and Organic Raspberry ganache truffles - I now have a serious problem.

The last time the husband and I were in Brooklyn we stopped by their shop to watch chocolates being made and pick up some treats from the source: a specialty box for her (raspberry, mezcal chili, salted caramel and rye) and a bacon toffee crunch bar for him. Nunu has a fantastic little seating area where you can breathe in the aroma of freshly made chocolate confections and order a coffee, tea, beer, frozen or hot chocolate and dine on some of their sumptuous little treats. Lucky for me, living far afield from their storefront, their poducts are available at stores all over the city.

Nunu Chocolates, Brooklyn

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Favorite Places - Lookmatic


I'm forever on the prowl for interesting, affordable specs.  Always leery of the boring, generic metal wire glasses that were all the rage when I was a child (yes, I'm the girl that would walk around squinting rather than pacify my strained peepers), I'm loving the spate of (let's be honest) hipster-i-fied, funky frames.  Say what you will about their tired fashion movement, this is one of those trends that just won't go away - and I'm all-out embracing it.

I've been wearing Warby Parker's Fillmore in Tennessee Whiskey for a few years now and, I have to say, I get a ton of compliments on them.  But, fickle creature that I am, of course, I've been wanting something new, something exciting.

Enter Lookmatic.  I forgot I had heard about the site a few years ago, but was recently reintroduced to them when I saw a photo of my girl crush, Rashida Jones, wearing a great pair at a recent event.  Similar premise - stylish prescription glasses for $95.00.  Offbeat designs, fashionable sunglasses - all at prices that don't hurt your wallet.  But what I really enjoy about their product is that most of their frames are unisex!  I am so into the Woody (above) -  oversized thin, black rims that look fantastic on both men and women.  And, even cooler, their website has a 3D Live Virtual Try-On - using your webcam, you can 'try on' any pair and see how they work at any angle.

Every girl needs options, and for days when you want to channel a hot librarian, or throw on your skinnies and do it up all Williamsburg style, Lookmatic is definitely the way to go.

Hipsters, I salute you.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Life in Photos - Planetarium at BAM


The husband and I went to the Brooklyn Academy of Music last week to see Planetarium, a collaboration between Sufjan Stevens, Brice Dessner and Nico Muhly. The concert included an opening string quartet featuring compositions by each artist. After a brief intermission we were plunged into a sensory delight of sound, light and many, many lasers. The journey included a stop at each planet (including Pluto, out of pity according to the program), our moon and the sun.

Although a little too loud for me at times, I enjoyed the swelling, electronic cacaphony of Planetarium. The combination of twinkling chimes, an oft-autotuned Stevens and the swell of no less than seven trombones made for an engaging journey through the solar system. The perfomance was accompanied, and at times overshadowed, by a sphere that hung over the stage in a mass of swirling, ever-changing color. It glowed a fiery red and orange when featuring the sun, and sported a swirling gaseous surface when Stevens sung of Jupiter, "the loneliest planet."

I confess I'm a little bit of a Greek and Roman mythology nerd, so I was a little disappointed that more reference wasn't made to the classical myths associated with the planets in our solar system. The program did advise that the music drew on Greco-Roman and Japanese mythology, but between the auto-tuning and Stevens' ethereal voice I couldn't catch any of it. Regardless, this was an entertaining way to spend an evening.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Spring Showers Bring...

My beloved black and white polka dot umbrella recently broke, leaving me high and not-so-dry on these leonine March days. 

I've been seeking an adorable alternative, and am finding so many whimsical styles to choose from.

Fortune owns a Pagoda umbrella from Bella Umbrella in a delicious, minty hue.  I'm in love with the faux diamond bottom of their signature handle.

A little too rich for my blood, however, I am seriously considering Target's Clear Bubble umbrella.  I've always been fond of these mod covers; seeing them all over New York City always puts a smile on my face on otherwise gloomy days.  Target is selling a variety of color options, but I'm partial to the yellow trim/yellow handle on this one.  Whoever designed the first yellow hued rain product (like those sunny slickers) is beyond genius; they're just so emblematic of the hope for better weather days ahead.

And, of course, there's always Marc Jacobs.  I will always have a soft spot in my heart for absolutely everything he does; he was the first designer I fell in love with in my teens.  His Yo Yo Dot tote + umbrella is such a lively throwback to another idol of mine, Minnie Mouse - just the ticket for a grey day!

I also really like Ay Up's Petal umbrella.  I'm normally not a big flower person, but I really enjoy their spring interpretation.  After all, these incessant showers have to bring some gorgeous spring blooms, don't they?

Monday, March 25, 2013

Home Decor - Happy Chic

I've been really loving graphic-heavy, mod home decor lately, but everything I've looked at has been way too expensive for my moderate budget. JC Penney to the rescue again, with the Happy Chic collection from Jonathan Adler. With punchy colors and fresh designs at a reasonable price I just can't wait to get my hands on some of these pieces!



Friday, March 22, 2013

Covets - Cam ci Cam ça

I came across the wonderful work of Camille Darde working one Saturday at The Real Designer Market.  One of the vendors there the very first weekend, I was instantly struck by her style as she walked over to introduce herself.  Dripping in gold (even down to her Aldo McNeary ankle booties), she was the perfect walking advertisement for her art.

I'm completely enamored with her art deco aesthetic, perfect for what will no doubt be an upcoming Gatsby epidemic.  My favorite?  Her gorgeous, gilded headbands.  Available in a number of different chain sizes and a multitude of charms, they look like heaven astride a messy updo. 

Cam ci Cam ça will be at Artists + Fleas in Williamsburg starting next week and ending March 24th.  Pop by for a visit; I'm sure I'll be there agonizing over which tassled necklace to bring home!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Easter Magic - Bunnies

Tis the season for adorable bunnies! What better way to celebrate than by decking yourself and your halls with these fluffy woodland critters?

Who can resist bunny love...

Or a sweet confection enrobed in pastel cuteness?


I'm also kind of obsessed with these kissing bunnies on a ring.

Whatever your choice it is guaranteed to be beyond precious!

Bunny T-Shirt, Etsy; 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Countless Gold of a Merry Heart




(the first piece of jewelry I've made - earring charms!)

My spirit animal is the magpie.  I've forever been attracted to all things sparkly - big, gaudy rings.  Fabulous, dangling earrings.  Chunky, ornate necklaces.  Whenever I have some spare cash, I always gravitate towards finding the newest and latest jewelry trends (and I probably even own enough to run my own accessories store at this point - yes, Forever 21, you are, once again, to blame).

I'm so, so blessed lately to have fallen into my dream job - working with a brilliant New York City based jewelry designer.  B 5 line nyc hand makes each and every piece sold.  Run by the crazy-inventive Tammy Gia, the line has it all - hefty necklaces with rock-star lock closures.  Geometric stack rings in every shape under the sun.  Bangles and cuffs and bow rings galore!  And, my dream piece, an enormous ruthenium angel ring I eyeball absolutely every time I'm in the studio.

What I love about the designs are their versatility - I've always been cautious of mixing metals, but any and all fashion rules fly right out the window with these beauties.  Want to dip your toes in the water?  Grab some of the hammered stackables - plated in silver, gunmetal, gold + rose gold, I love mixing the rose and gunmetal ones together for a sweetly tough look.  Bold styles are more your thing?  Throw on the tribal necklace - three gold bars on a hard as nails black chain.  It's never been easier to match the metal on your bag to the hardware on your coat to all of your jewelry - just pile it all on before you run out the door, and you have such an effortlessly chic, downtown look.

It's been beyond intriguing, too, to learn how to make these pieces - working with pliers, banging on metal, letting your creativity flow.  And, at the end of the day, making people feel great about themselves; beautifully adorned and oh so happy.

I think it's safe to say I've found my calling.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Trends We're Watching - Animalistic Ears

First there was the winter-eared scarf and mittens duo (bears, foxes, pandas, wolves, etc). Great for kids, teens, and the college-bound, I shuddered a little bit whenever I saw this on an adult. Call me prim, but I feel a little old for such things.

Animal ears are nothing new. Remember the 2009 Marc Jacobs for Louis Vuitton bunny ears? I do... These were not for the fashion faint of heart, but nor were they the cutesy statement that seems to be more prevalent today. More bold and effortlessly coy, I lean towards this interpretation of the style.

Spring is seeing the influx of a new manifestation of animal ears, and while I'm more open to them than the hood/scarf/mitten hybrid featured above, I'm still not quite sure what to make of them. Can an adult, or a young woman in the city (or anywhere, I suppose), wear one of these in anything but jest or on halloween? I can't make this fashion leap, but I am almost giddy to see how many animal ears I'll spot in the wilds of Manhattan as the city starts to burst into color this spring. We may have just celebrated the lunar new year, the year of the snake, but everything's turning up feline.

2. Lace Cat Ears, Asos; 3. Cara Cat Ears, Nordstrom;
4. Pearl Cat Ears, TopShop; 5. Studded Cat Ears; Dorothy Perkins.