Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Fun Surprises - Spring Shoes for All

Last week I met my father for a morning meal in my neighborhood on a chilly Spring Saturday. We sipped brunch cocktails at Indian Road Cafe, lingered over eggs both baked and scrambled, and talked about work, marriage and new babies (my lovely sister is expecting and I'll have a new niece or nephew in about 8 weeks!). After eating we slipped out for a stroll in Inwood Hill park and tried to soak in some sun, but we were sadly defeated by surprisingly cold breezes and parted ways soon after. But not before I was bequeathed with a fun pair of new kicks to see me on my way!

My father, ever generous and fun, noticed his three ladies cooing over these moccasins in an ad in the Sunday Times when my sister was last visiting. He's ever expanding on his Santa Claus act, and if dear old St. Nick wants to make an appearance in Spring who am I to say nay? I was gifted with a beautiful lemon shade, my mother with coral and my sister with mint. As three ladies who live fairly far apart (my sister is way off in Colorado) it's a fun feeling to think that we could be wearing the same shoes in different parts of the city or the country.

For all the things he does, both great and small, here's to my Papa!


Nadia Moc, COACH.

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