Monday, December 3, 2012

Life in Photos - Fortune had a Birthday

This year wasn't a milestone, but gosh has it been a fun one. We laughed and played games. Pie made Fortune an excellent peanut butter bar in sheet cake format. Oh! what could be better than one, gigantic peanut butter cup?

Maybe a delicious brunch and a cocktail made by your husband?

Dinner out?

Yet another breakfast made by your husband...?

One gigantic birthday sundae and milkshake shared between best friends?

Truth be told, it was all pretty amazing. I had a wonderful birthday full of friends, dessert, family, dessert, outings and still more dessert that stretched out  for miles on a long, relaxing weekend. Ringing in another year like this feels wonderful, and it makes me just so eager for another incredible one to come!

1 comment:

  1. Apparently my plan this year was to give you diabetes :)
