Saturday, December 15, 2012

Life in Photos - Our Day at the Zoo

Have we mentioned we love to go to the zoo? We usually take a trip to visit the Bronx Zoo at least once a year, preferably together, when school is in session, the days are growing short and the crowds have receded. Sometimes we're even lucky enough to find a fun-house mirror in a green bathroom.



And to find time to play with the locals.

And of course to visit our favorites. Pie + Fortune both adore the red pandas, and this year we got to see a wee baby red panda! Pie loves any and all apes and monkeys, and Fortune loves watching the otters. 


And, perhaps best of all, we get an excuse to ride a carousel. A bug carousel, no less! You may not be able to tell here, but Pie is astride a lovely lady bug and I am perched on a bee.

A magical day as always, I can't wait until our trip next year!

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