Friday, June 28, 2013

Trends We're Watching - Embellished Friendship Bracelets

I've been on the fence about bedazzled friendship bracelets for a while.  Fortune is a huge fan of the look; on a recent Forever 21 expedition, she eagerly searched the racks for affordable versions of the now here-to-stay trend.  Me, though?  A lot more reticent for sure.  Don't get me wrong, I love rhinestones and pyramid studs.  But on colored thread?  It seemed a bit...well...juvenile?

I must say, searching online for the prettiest of the pretty, I may be hooked just yet.  Imagine: a sherbet-hued sundress.  Gold sandals.  And stacks and stacks of these wonders on each arm.  A walking rainbow outshining the most dazzling of summer days.

Certainly not for the faint of heart (or I suppose you can dress the look down by wearing just one or two...but where is the fun in that?), give it a go and get transported back in time to your camp days.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Life in Photos (and Video!) - Fireworks are Magic

What is better in this sweet, short life of ours than time spent with the ones you love? Time spent with the ones you love and good food, or great wine; or even time spent by yourself with good food and great wine, for that matter. A good book and a cup of tea on a rainy day, or an evening baseball game in the summer that finishes with a flurry of fireworks. Even if that fireworks display is set to the songs of Jimmy Buffet (a Margaritaville lover I am not, forgive me).

Instagram just updated their app to allow for 15 seconds of video, which I am totally over the moon about. Dreamy photos now become dreamy snapshots of your life, made ever more romantic by a plethora of filters to fit the mood of your short. When Pie was on vacation last week I made sure to send her little videos of her pup at play. At our Brooklyn Cyclones' game last weekend I was able to capture sparkle in the sky. I can't wait to find more applications for this new feature. I was already an Instagram convert, now I'm a full time devotee.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Favorite Places - BaubleBar

I know BaubleBar isn't a secret by any means.  Around for ages, ladies everywhere use it as a go-to for of-the-moment looks and special pieces that won't break the bank.

What I love most about the site is it hits every major trend; they quite literally have something for everyone.

Need something ornate?  Try their Andromeda Tassel Pendant Necklace or Sea-Foam Bloom Bangle.

Is kitsch more to your liking?  How about a bumblebee bracelet or nautical rope necklace?

As a constant frequenter of costume jewelry shops throughout the years, of all purveyors of the precious I've encountered, BaubleBar simply can't be beat.  With almost everything for sale under $50, I am amazed at how grand their pieces are at such a relatively inexpensive price point.

With my birthday on the horizon, I have a teeming online cart full of summer fun.  Now, the hard part - narrowing it all down!

Friday, June 21, 2013

What We're Buying - Key Jewelry

Keys have always brought me comfort; the sense of something secret.  Endless possiblity.  Hidden treasure.  Something to call ones own.

While I have a few key necklaces and a sweet pair of silver ox filigree key studs, this seasons' interpretations are drawing me in.

The pocket watch key necklace is such a different translation of a classic look, and the modernity of the key used in Zoe Chicco's key pendant necklace is just too cool.  The antiquated feel of the cuff and key are more representative of the pieces I already have, with a lovely vintage vibe.

With so many options at hand, it's never been simpler to unlock a bit of everyday magic.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Life in Photos - Museum Mile Festival & My First Race

Thunderstorms threatened this year's Museum Mile Festival, but the husband and I didn't let that stop us from taking a leisurely stroll up 5th Avenue to see the crowds, the chalk drawings and the street performers- and a singularly fun drum performance at the El Museo del Barrio. It started to sprinkle around the time that we reached the Guggenheim, but the storm rolled by without much distraction.

By the time we reached the Conservatory Garden in Central Park near 106th Street the skies overhead were blue and the sun was setting with fiery brilliance. From there we walked across the park and sat down to a delicious pasta dinner, for I was running my first race the next day!

The JP Morgan Corporate Challenge is a 3.5 mile race through Central Park that loops from 72nd street on the west side up to 106th and then back down the east side.

There were 15,000 people running from companies all over the city, and it was both fun and challenging for me. Dodging through so many people is a chore and a huge energy expenditure, especially for a novice runner like me. I've only been running for 2 months and, having just completed the Couch to 5k program, this was actually the longest distance I had run to date. Maybe this was not the smartest decision, but then it was also a last minute opportunity in my case (someone else had dropped out). In the end I did alright, with my time hovering around 35 minutes. Not what I had hoped for, but perhaps a goal time of under 33 minutes was unrealistic for someone so new to running. I came in 8,645th place overall, and in 2,974th place out of the female runners. Daunting numbers, but I'm still proud just to have ran.

The competitive side of me is using this as ammunition. In two more weeks time I'll start training for a 10k, and maybe, just maybe, a half marathon waits for me somewhere in the future.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Inspirations - The Jewelry of Pamela Love

If I had to pick one jewelry designer whose art resonates with me the most, and whose success I aspire to emulate, Pamela Love would handily trump all.

I was instantly drawn to her work when I first glimpsed her talon cuff, the one costly piece of jewelry I would really love to own in my lifetime.
I love how intricate her designs are, how each piece is imbued with a sense of romance and mystery. 
There's also a bit of frivolity and silliness to it all, a sense of not taking oneself too seriously.
Life is an absurd adventure, and I want Pamela Love outfitting me along the way.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

À La Mode - Dinosaurs

When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a paleontologist; dinosaurs fascinated me, and I still find myself in awe of them 30 yrs later.
I couldn't be happier about the recent spate of dinosaur related clothes and accessories available; even composing this entry filled me with overwhelming glee, and I literally had to stop myself from adding everything I don't already own to my burgeoning online cart.
I've had the I Heart Dinosaurs Muscle tee for a couple of months now (acquired along with Forever 21's now sold out Dinosaur Stud Set; yes, I'm wearing a Stegosaurus on one ear, with an angry T-Rex on the other).  I love ASOS' blinged out dino collar, and am seriously debating Topshop's insanely adorable pj set for an upcoming lady weekend to Fire Island. 
The little girl in me?  Completely jumping for joy.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Get it Now - Lord & Taylor Friends and Family Sale

How often do you stray across a sale with great price points, covetable items and the ability to wear your steals right away? Not so often, to be sure. I often find great items at the best prices on the internet at Lord & Taylor, perhaps because all my peers are so quick to haunt more popular sources like Nordstrom and ShopBop for the brands they love. But just look at these lovelies and tell me you won't be adding Lord & Taylor to the rotation of stores you stalk for a brand name bargain.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Covets - Jewelry by Anndra Neen


I'm not a huge fan of chokers; my everyday necklace choices usually lean towards the enormous.  Anndra Neen has inspired me to step out of my comfort zone.  Started by sisters Annette + Phoebe Stephens, the collection features disparate pieces inspired by geometry, ancient Egypt, Japanese design and nature.  Bracelets, rings (and even bags!) are true works of art; I'm craving their spine choker, perfect peeking out from beneath a button down or atop a flowy chiffon ensemble.  And their entire cage line is the epitome of everyday armor.  With so many stunning choices, I suspect I'll be amassing quite a little treasure trove in the years to come.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Movie Night - Bringing Up Baby

Sometimes Pie and Fortune, with husbands by their sides, get together for movie night. This has been happening more frequently now that our old standby, The Office, has closed its final season. We've watched three films each Thursday since the Office's finale, with an eye towards rotating (each of us takes a turn selecting the flick du jour). So far this has resulted in viewings of FAQ About Time Travel (Fortune's husband), Cyrus (Pie) and, most recently, Bringing Up Baby (Fortune). The best part about this arrangement is the variety in the films we're being exposed to: first a Sci-Fi comedy, then a romantic drama-comedy hybrid and finally a slapstick, classic film featuring silver-screen greats Cary Grant and Katharine Hepburn.

Selecting a movie for a group viewing can be troublesome. Will the group like your selection? How will a universal panning feel if your offering is a movie that you love? I labored over these questions before finally realizing I was overthinking what should be a simple, and even fun, task. After all, our particular group is certainly seasoned by similar dilemmas. We share books all the time, rarely have the same things to say about them and have still managed to escape the hard feelings and worrisome teeth-gnashing that sometimes result after a cherished book is dismissed by a close friend... Or maybe that teeth-gnashing part is reserved for literary nuts like Pie and me.

The result of the showing? Everyone seemed to enjoy my choice, although I think I laughed the loudest and the most often. But isn't that exactly what you'd expect when watching an old favorite? Fond memories often improve everything from movies to music and food. Best of all? Next time I can choose with confidence.

It's Pie's husband's turn next week, and I'm excited to see what he surprises us with.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

What We're Buying - Colored + Printed Blazers


Summer is a time of excitement, when ladies everywhere throw on their prettiest dresses and gleefully take to the streets of Manhattan; every day is a veritable fashion show at sidewalk cafes and neighborhood parks.  But those flimsy frocks just aren't enough once indoors, with stores and offices often blasting air conditioning.  The solution I've been turning to lately?  A fun blazer; work perfect and frivolous enough to don at a movie or whilst shopping, I'm drawn to the lively patterns and vibrant colors available this season.