Wednesday, August 14, 2013

What We're Buying - Metal Toe Sandals

I've been seeing metal toed sandals on many a fashionable lady in the city for quite some time now (I know I first saw Dolce Vita's version last summer), but I never much saw the point or thought they were worth the pricetag. After almost two months of open-toed sandals, and with my footwear starting to show serious signs of deterioration, I'm ready to reconsider. Somehow the front of my sandals get positively chewed up on the city streets, and I am hopeful that a metal toe would at least hinder this sad process. I'm definitely going to snatch up one of these lovelies, and as soon as they arrive my poor, leather toed sandals are headed straight for my trusty shoe repairman for some much needed TLC. 

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