Friday, March 15, 2013

Cute Overload - Boo the Dog for Monocle Order

Sunglasses + Boo (the World's Cutest Dog) = the happiest of Fridays. Boo has paired with the Monocle Order, a new ocular shop that offers membership after you buy your first pair and 50% off any pairs purchased from the Member's Collection thereafter, and the result is just adorable. What's cuter than a fluffy, teddy-bear dog in a sweater? A fluffy, teddy-bear dog in a sweater and glasses. It's so simple and brilliant I'm sure advertisers everywhere are kicking themselves.  I would never have guessed we could anticipate two dog/fashion collaborations in the same month, let alone the same week, or that Pie and I would feel drawn to write about them only a day apart... But isn't it wonderful?

Happy Friday. And you're welcome.



  1. I am convinced that dog is some kind of extra terrestrial spy or weapon conglomerated from a database of all things humans will go "Aww" over. Well played, dark lords of the universe. Or maybe I should probably stop watching so much Dr. Who.

  2. I want this dog so f*!&ing much, it's unbelievable. All we need is a pomeranian with an incredibly difficult haircut to upkeep. Let's do this.
