Thursday, April 18, 2013

Life in Photos - Spring in Riverside Park

The husband and I decided to take a long walk in Riverside Park after work yesterday evening. It finally felt like spring: the sun was shining, the air was warm and trees were just blossoming and budding in a flurry of soft color.

We took time to play on a seesaw. We got our faces right up close to daffodils, cherry blossoms and magnolias. We strolled up the Hudson River Greenway feeling revitalized simply by the temperate weather and the waves of people just like us who were out and enjoying the day. Runners, bikers, and walkers, some with adorable pups in tow, joined us in our springtime revelry. Here's to a slow march towards summer - and I do hope it's slow if it means more days like this one.

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