Thursday, February 28, 2013

Live in the Sunshine, Swim the Sea, Drink the Wild Air...

It's no secret that Forever 21 is a huge go-to for Fortune + I for of-the-minute accessories, silly sweaters and affordable designer-inspired purses.  I recently took a gander at their swimwear and am so glad I did; their 2013 collection is filled with festive, vintage-inspired looks.  Their coral + mint colorblocked bikini is beyond chic, and the gingham + flamingo print is such cheeky fun. With most two piece suits priced under $25, there's no reason not to take the plunge!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Books We're Reading - The Lighthouse

Having just recently finished a massive re-read of Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series in advance of his (and Brandon Sanderson's) ultimate book, I was craving something new and more challenging to read. This is a mighty task for me - the search for a new author. I get overwhelmed by all that's available and I can be very timid in making a selection. This is probably due to my stubborn insistence that I complete my reading of a book once I've started it regardless of whether I like it or not. I think I've only ever put one or two books down unfinished, and one of those was Pet Cemetery by Stephen King when I was 12 years old. A lover of horror I am not.

For assistance I turned to well-known literary prizes to search for new material. After perusing the Man Booker awards site, I decided to read through recent 2012 shortlist contenders for the prize, starting with "A" for Alison Moore (my Kindle is set to arrange books by author!). If the remaining 5 books are as good as this one I'm in for a treat.

The Lighthouse bears no relation to the Virginia Woolf work of a similar title. It also has nothing to do with beaches, boats or seafaring. The work follows Futh, a painfully ordinary and saddening everyman approaching middle age. Recently separated from his wife, Futh is on his way to Germany from his home in Britain for a walking holiday. The novel stacks up memories in marching succession throughout his journey, expanding on crucial moments with each resurfacing reflection on his past. Smells conjure up painful emotions for him, transporting him to the defining moments of his life. He carries with him a small, silver lighthouse; an old perfume bottle that contains only a fragment of the violet scent of his mother.

In tandem, there is Ester: proprietress and maid of the inn, Hellhaus (light house, or house of light, in German) where Futh will both begin and end his walking circuit in Germany. Ester, married, with her brazen affairs in occupied rooms of the inn. With her dangerously jealous husband. With her failing youth that she clings to like the cellophane wrap she places on plates of cold cuts for her guests.

There is an ominous sense to the work from the very start. A sense that a storm is coming, and Futh will have to brave the tumultuous seas of his past and the rocky shore of his future. What mooring can there be for a man so recently cut loose from his own life?

Reflection on this work makes me like it even more. I finished it on my evening commute and went immediately to my Kindle home screen to select another book to start, opening one and reading the first sentence before pausing and putting the device away entirely. This is a book that demands rumination. Quiet reveries descended on me for days after I completed The Lighthouse. Peeling an orange still makes me think back to poor, sad Futh. What a remarkable gift a good book is to invoke such peaceful contemplation.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Look of the Oscars


As always for me, the most exciting part of the Oscars experience is ogling all of the beautiful costumes. I get such a thrill seeing how starlets are able to interpret runway looks, redefining them in terms of their own personal style for the red carpet.

This year, there were a few stylish stand-outs that chose daring gowns; whether they went with a bold color or a daring cut (I am so crazy about Nicole Kidman's Klimt-reminiscent L'Wren Scott ensemble), they made my night.
1. Nicole Kidman, L'Wren Scott; 2. Anne Hathaway, Prada;
3. Charlize Theron, Christian Dior Couture; 4. Kerry Washington, Miu Miu;
5. Halle Berry, Versace; 6. Naomi Watts, Armani Privé;
7. Sally Field, Valentino.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Silver Linings


Like everyone else these days, I'm somewhat smitten with Jennifer Lawrence.  I fancy her brazen, defiant attitude, and really responded to her raw performance in Winter's Bone.  Named as the new face of Miss Dior in October, her first ads have just been released.  The shots are somehow both tender and refined, capturing her worldly yet vulnerable qualities to perfection.

Friday, February 22, 2013

To Walk Between the Raindrops


I will admit, I don't own a pair of rain boots; I've always found them beyond difficult to coordinate with my every day attire of dreamy dresses and patterned tights (I opted, instead, for a pair of Melissa + Alexandre Herchcovitch lace up oxfords in baby blue).  Stumbling across an Ideeli sample sale this past week, however, I fell for Dizzy's bow and rhinestone adorned all-weather boots.  In a bevy of colors and patterns for every girly-girl (the website even features an all glitter pair!), they're a perfectly charming antidote to any blustery fashion blues.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

À La Mode - Bejeweled Crosses

Maybe it's a product of my recent studies of spirituality, but I've been noticing crosses on just about everything lately - rings, bracelets, and even shirts are bedecked with this ageless symbol.  For me, to contemplate a cross is a comfort.  It reminds me to be ever hopeful and thankful, and helps me to remember to be kind, strive towards patience, and continue to aspire to be a blessing to everyone I encounter.  Whatever a cross may mean to you, the craftsmanship of these divine pendants fill me with awe.  When I arm myself with the Forever 21 piece I just couldn't pass up, I'll be sure to think of all of the grace life has to offer us.
1. Jeweled Cross Pendant Necklace, Max & Chloe;
2. Mammoth Tusk + Diamond Cross Necklace, Barney's New York; 3.  Gold Cross Necklace, Shoptiques;
4. Pearlescent Cross Necklace, Forever 21.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Covets - Pretty Pastel Bags

I've been seeing so many perfectly pastel handbags lately that I just ache to throw over my arm this spring. Sadly none of these beauties are in my budget, but I can safely admire them from afar.



1. Chloe Marcie Small Satchel, Saks Fifth Avenue; 2. Balenciage Giant 12 Velo; FarFetch;
3. Rebecca Minkoff Cupid, Nordstrom;
4. Proenza Schuler PS1Bag, Neiman Marcus; 5. Salvatore Ferragamo Fancy Chain Bag; Neiman Marcus.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Pie + Fortune Celebrate Their 100th Post!

This post just happens to be our 100th post here at Pie + Fortune. It is brought to you by delicious cheese, plentiful fruit and a chilled bottle of white wine. We thank you for reading and joining us on this  adventure as we continue to pursue all that is beautiful in this life!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Books We're Reading - The Great Gatsby

I have to come clean - I picked up The Great Gatsby recently because of Baz Luhrmann's sure-to-be-epic upcoming film.  Although I've read it in the past, along with almost anyone in grade school in New York City, I didn't really remember the plot so much as my general appreciation for Fitzgerald's distinctive turns of phrase.

The well-known tale didn't disappoint; but what has stayed with me the most, as in prior readings, are Fitzgerald's beautiful, uncomplicated observations of human nature.

Describing a Manhattan night spent with a group of new acquaintances and a shared bottle of whiskey, he writes:

"...high over the city our line of yellow windows must have contributed their share of human secrecy to the casual watcher in the darkening streets, and I was him too, looking up and wondering.  I was within and without, simultaneously enchanted and repelled by the inexhaustible variety of life."

Just as revealing a description now as ever before, his universal ideas and sweeping prose continue to resonate with me.

A true classic.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Life in Photos - A Ladies' Day at the Met

On the snowy Saturday after Nemo hit three ladies met to go to the Metropolitan museum of art. Matisse led us there, but the Turkmen Jewelry, George Bellows, and Birds in the Art of Japan kept us strolling through the museum for hours.

After we worked up an appetite we walked over to Cafe Mingala, New York City's only Burmese restaurant. After some serious noodles, dumplings and traditional street food Pie + Fortune wandered over to the Todd English Food Hall at the Plaza Hotel and got some delicious treats from Billy's Bakery. Such a magical evening!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Won't You Be Mine?

While we know not everyone celebrates this sweetest of candy-coated days, Pie + Fortune want to wish you a sugary, love-filled holiday.  Won't you choo-choo-choose us and be our Valentine?

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Thrilling Inventions - Everpurse

Each morning when I walk into work, before even turning on the computer, I have to dig through my purse du jour and find the plug for my smartphone.  Since I commute almost two hours each way, I want to be sure that I still have a charge at days end to touch base with friends about dinner, figure out where I'm headed for drinks or simply make sure I still have enough juice for my 'sleeping on the LIRR' alarm to go off and not leave me stranded somewhere.  As spoiled as it sounds, though, lugging around easily tangled wires and bulky plugs can be cumbersome and frustrating, especially when your outfit calls for a smaller satchel.  The solution?  Enter Everpurse, an ingenious new invention that allows you to leave all your cords at home.  Simply place the bag on a charging mat each night and, when you're ready to walk out the door, pop your phone into it's docking pocket.  Roomy enough for makeup, money, and other essentials, it's perfect as a clutch for a night out on the town, and transportable enough to use as a wallet in your everyday work tote.  Best of all, it comes in a gorgeous array of patterns and colors.  I'm lusting after the emerald croc design, while the persimmon leather version on their website is absolutely perfect for spring.  Who knew technology could be so chic?

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

What We're Buying - Cooperative Applique Flats

I'm just a little bit in love with Cooperative Applique's whimsical animal flats. At first glance they seemed not for the fashion faint-of-heart (with my husband deeming them 'unusual'), but I at long last caved and scooped up their gold ballet slippers.  Reminiscent of my long-ago ancestor Andersen's The Ugly Duckling, they ended up being surprisingly versatile - I'm actually wearing them today with Old Navy's Rockstar Jeans in Coral, Forever 21's Essential Purl Knit Sweater in Shocking Pink, opal studs and an opal + gold Rings Eclectic statement ring.

So why not step outside the box and give them a go?  After all, there's nothing like adding some light-hearted fun to a dreary winter's weekday!

Cooperative Applique at Urban Outfitters