Thursday, February 21, 2013

À La Mode - Bejeweled Crosses

Maybe it's a product of my recent studies of spirituality, but I've been noticing crosses on just about everything lately - rings, bracelets, and even shirts are bedecked with this ageless symbol.  For me, to contemplate a cross is a comfort.  It reminds me to be ever hopeful and thankful, and helps me to remember to be kind, strive towards patience, and continue to aspire to be a blessing to everyone I encounter.  Whatever a cross may mean to you, the craftsmanship of these divine pendants fill me with awe.  When I arm myself with the Forever 21 piece I just couldn't pass up, I'll be sure to think of all of the grace life has to offer us.
1. Jeweled Cross Pendant Necklace, Max & Chloe;
2. Mammoth Tusk + Diamond Cross Necklace, Barney's New York; 3.  Gold Cross Necklace, Shoptiques;
4. Pearlescent Cross Necklace, Forever 21.

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