Monday, July 8, 2013

À La Mode - Bullet Jewelry

I've been straddling the line between feminine and masculine style elements throughout the years.  In college, I fancied myself (at least in my head) as more of a bad-ass.  Yes, I was wearing pink fuzzy sweaters to work,  but was secretly fantasizing about the perfect leather jacket for weekend adventures.  Fashion bi-polarity aside, I've been immersed in a whole rocker-chic aesthetic lately working on a very unisex jewelry collection, shifting me a bit over that carefully traversed line towards the tough.

One of my recent staples as a result?  The bullet.  I picked up a bead + bullet necklace now unavailable on ASOS' website last summer, but hadn't expanded my horizons until seeing B5LineNyc's Bullets Over Broadway pendant.  Now, every which way I turn, I see nothing but bullets.  Bullet rings.  Crazy bullet  bracelets on sale at the Real Designer Market.  Bullet necklaces adorning lovely lasses strolling the streets of Chelsea.  

I like the look, of course, as an element to enhance the saccharine-sweet.  Example:  party dress + sparkly kitten heels + bullet necklace.  How about a work appropriate shirt + slacks with a naughty pair of bullet stud earrings?  Or a bullet stud on one ear with a heart stud on the other?

The subversive + the sublime - don't you just want to take a shot?

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