Friday, July 26, 2013

Life in Photos - Pie had a Birthday

Not very long ago, on a not-so-typical Tuesday, Pie had a birthday.
A non-landmark year, I hadn't had anything special planned...until Fortune took the day off from work, that is, and proposed a lady day adventure.
Our journey kicked off with a Fortune creation - red velvet waffles with a Tofutti glaze. 

After much gorging, and post-breakfast manicures and pedicures under our belts, we naturally headed out...for more food, of course!

Fortune had been researching restaurants she thought I might like (she's so good like that) and we both decided on The Malt House, a craft beer bar in the heart of Greenwich Village.
After a few wrong turns (I got excited about a sour beer on tap that kicked right when I ordered it...and then a slew of other beers I chose similarly ran out after minuscule pours), we each had a cold drink in hand...
and lots of amazing appetizers to choose from!

The overarching theme of our leisurely lunch?  FRIED! 

(And the fried pickles = the clear winner of the day).

Our stomachs once again happy, we spent the rest of the afternoon gleefully shopping - and stumbled upon a stellar car exhibit en route to meet the husbands for dinner.  
My favorite, of course, is shiny.

And Fortune, true to form, went classic.

An awesome day behind us, we returned to the homestead...for two cheesecakes!

Fortune made me my favorite cheesecake recipe, while my husband appealed to my incredibly sleazy side and concocted a cheesecake composed of all my favorite sweet treats - three bags of cookies, Cool Whip, brownies, and the ever ubiquitous Tofutti.

Gosh, I just love Tofutti...
Another year for the record books, and such a special day this year.  Here's to seeing what 31 brings!

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