Thursday, May 30, 2013

Trends We're Watching - Crop Tops

Remember when I said the 90's were back? Oh, if only I had known then what I know now. Crop tops, of all things, are back with a vengeance. I don't like to relegate any fashion to an age group, it feels inherently wrong to say that someone is "too old" to wear something. But I am. I am too old for crop tops and I am perfectly happy for it to be so.

Gosh they're cute on a teenager though, and Gwen Stefani.... Probably Madonna and Beyonce too, so maybe this has nothing to do with age and everything to do with fitness or body image. We can't all have rock hard abs or extreme, midriff-bearing, confidence though, and I certainly don't, so I'll be gazing at this trend from afar.

 ASTR 'Illusion Lines' Crop Top


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